Sunday, January 25, 2015

                                  Book of Hours 3

One of the things i found interesting this week was an article about a boy from Brownsville in Brooklyn, New York. Like most New Yorkers who have Facebook and don't live under a rock, I follow a page called Humans of New York. This page photographs people in the city of New York and tells a little story about them. The boy in the article was photographed and something exceptional happened thanks to him.

Something else that caught my eye was this next article about a woman finding spider eggs in her new bananas. According to the article this is something thats unlikely to happen but will definitely have me doing a triple take the next time I'm in the produce isle. 

In this week's reading we learned about leaps and subtext. Telling just enough so that readers can get an idea of the character but not too much so they get bored and are able to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. This makes the story more interesting and fun to write. I
 found an example in a movie. Training Day was a movie that came out a few years about a guy who wants to become a cop to better a community and a cop who is a crooked cop with ulterior motives. In this scene you get a sense that Denzel Washington's character isn't all that great of a cop but we don't know yet just how bad of a person he really is.

This week i'm reading Crank by Ellen Hopkins it's a book i've already read but is one of my favorites. It's about a girl who is living a regular teenage life but her parents are divorced. One summer she goes away to see her father who isn't exactly a stand up guy. There she meets this boy who she finds very attractive but he is into somethings that she's never been introduced to before.

This week i'm following Charles Bukowski who is a very interesting writer. I didn't know much about his personal life but he's work is intense. Reading his short stories is like going into the mind of a dirty, perverted old man and just as gross as that sounds you can only imagine his writing. I find intriguing because it's a very different mind to explore. I learned by going on his website that he has a file with the FBI which isn't very surprising and that he was also an artist.

Surprise entry

This is an interesting article i came across on Facebook about addiction. Apparently everything we've learned about addiction is not completely true. Whether you believe in what this article is saying or not it's worth the read because it does raise some interesting points. 

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