Friday, January 30, 2015

I find plastic surgery quite interesting. The fact that someone is willing to undergo drugs, being cut open and pain all just to change their appearance is something i find sad. It is my opinion that society is to blame for making people believe that the way they look simply isn't good enough. But sometimes people take things too far like have 50 plus surgeries to look like someone else. An example of this is a woman in Britain who wanted to look like Queen Nefertiti who has been the perfect example of beauty for many years.

something else that interest me is when people are put in a position of power the things that they do with their power. Some of the worst rulers in history are thought to have been absolutely crazy. Incest, rape, murdering their family members and genocide are just a few things these rulers did when in reign. These are some of the worst Caesars of Rome.

This week's class we discussed layering to make our stories interesting and keep our readers entertained. I believe it's an important factor in writing because it adds to our writing and you can go anywhere you want with it. You can make all the stories tie in at the end or you can just explain each character in further depth. A good example of this is a show i love and am sad has just finished. American horror story changes it's storyline every season which adds to the excitement but this season you get a glimpse as to how all the stories go together. It tells the story of all the freaks and all the things they've faced on their own and finally together at the freakshow.

This week I'm reading The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott. It's a recommendation from my brother and it's a book i can relate to so far. I think that its a book that many people will relate to because we've all found ourselves in a position where everything seems to just be going wrong. I've only just started this book and look forward to completing it. 

This week I'm also following Steven K. Scott who is the author of the book I'm reading this week. I'm not really into self help books but, the way that Steven talks about his book makes you really want to read it. He talks about his life prior to going into his tenth job, he speaks about how lost he felt and didn't know why. Exploring self doubt, relationships and anger. Things we can all relate to.

surprise entry!!

I'm very into architecture and design it's something that always fascinates me. Whether it's ancient or modern it always catches my eye. I've recently come across an article about a hotel being built resembling a modern day Hanging Gardens of Babylon which no one really knows if this garden existed. Either way it looks spectacular. 

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