Sunday, January 18, 2015

I found this article online and while we all know that healthcare and medicine go hand in hand it did make me wonder just how much of it was actually care and how much of it was actually a business.

The next article i found was about a billionaire with New York City's largest duplex. When i hear or read these kinds of stories it's interesting to me the way people choose to spend their money. I mean sure it's their money to do with what the please but, why would someone need to own the biggest, largest anything? I'd like to explore the psychology behind it.

I think descriptive writing is very important not only does it improve your writing but it makes it easier to read. The reader can relate to what you're seeing or feeling. The following is a link to help better understand how to do this as a writer.

The following is an interview involving the actress that plays Lisbeth from the girl with the dragon tattoo. It's a very horrible scene and reading it was much worse than watching it on the big screen. It got me thinking about power, control and revenge and the fine line that blurs them.

I recently learned that one of my favorite authors is helping out book stores not go out of business. This is great to know because a lot of bookstores have been closing due to apps and iPads and kindles. When borders closed nationwide it sadden me because i grew up loving books and spending hours in that particular book store. I'm happy that he's doing this for bookstores.

Surprise Entry!!!

The subway is over 100 years old! Who knew? I certainly didn't, the thing i ride everyday and perhaps take for granted is over 100 years old. Helping the 75% of New Yorkers that don't drive get to where their going.

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